Pasqualichio and new Student Government Board sworn in last week


There was no band or parade involved, but the Inauguration of the 2006 Student Government… There was no band or parade involved, but the Inauguration of the 2006 Student Government Board began with its own fanfare when the Heinz Chapel Choir sang an a cappella rendition of Pitt’s alma mater.

The event welcomed seven new members and one returning member with food and punch and speeches by Chancellor Mark Nordenberg and former President Brian Kelly.

Kelly formally passed the gavel to new president and former board member Joe Pasqualichio.

Nordenberg and Kelly were optimistic about the new board.

“We pass the torch from one very capable SGB to another,” Nordenberg said.

Kelly shared some inspirational words and advice.

“Your potential is limitless and I challenge you to do great things,” he said.

He reminded the new board to work together as teammates, not competitors, to keep up with their responsibilities as students and to have fun.

Kelly swore in Pasqualichio, who swore in the other eight members.

Pasqualichio then gave his inaugural address, speaking of his past experiences and what he hopes to do in the future.

“I truly enjoyed working with students and serving them over the past two years,” he said.

His goals for this year’s SGB include working with freshman mentoring, campus beautification, food services, Light-Up Night and getting the board to work together as a team.

In regards to his board, he said, “Though many are new, they are an energetic group who I believe will make great strides.”

New board members Sheila Isong and Erica Lillquist shared some of their ideas.

“Personally, I would like to work on communication, reaching out to students,” Isong said. “A lot of people don’t even know what SGB is.”

“I ran on diversity so that more students of different types can come together,” Lillquist added.

Returning board member Jennifer Anukem commented on the difference between last year’s board and this one.

“I think there will be a different dynamic,” she said.

After his speech, Pasqualichio shared some of his first experiences as president.

“It is definitely a change of pace. I’ve already had several students come to me in the past two days with complaints and ideas,” he said.

The board members left Friday for a retreat, their first official meeting as a group.

Meetings have been tentatively set for Thursday at 8:30 p.m. on the sixth floor of the William Pitt Union.