Bottomfeeder perfect for nu-metal fans


In the Name of Love ‘ Science



In the Name of Love ‘ Science



Recommended if you like: Godsmack, Trapt, other nu-metal

Let it be known that I chose to review this CD partly because “Bottom Feeder,” is my one of my favorite Cave In songs. Factor No. 2 for reviewing this was that they are local, and I love new, local talent. Factor No. 3 was that I was told they were metal.

I looked at the information about the band, and saw that there were upright basses, sitars, electronic drums and a theremin. I then read further on, learning that it was industrial, with influences including Black Sabbath and Ministry. Bear in mind that those artists aren’t exactly high on my list of favorites. But as open-minded as I am, I figured I’d give it a whirl, at least for kicks.

What I got was a band that sounded rather mediocre, but what I really didn’t enjoy was the lead singer. Without his crooning all over the tracks, I could honestly say that the music was not bad at all. Unfortunately, the band made the same mistake that certain mainstream nu-metal bands such as Disturbed and Godsmack make, which is that they try to experiment.

Man, I really love experimental music; I really do. I even hope bands will try out new things and explore new sounds in order to get some really sweet-sounding stuff. But, unfortunately, this reminded me far too much of Godsmack’s Wiccan influences, which sounded horrible on their already poor records. I think I could have had an easier time dealing with the band had I not read any hype about them.

This is not a “bad” record by any means, but it’s definitely not something I could ever see myself listening to. Again, the most annoying portion of the display of music is the vocals. They just sounded too much like the tortured nu-metal stuff you’ll hear in bands like Disturbed, Godsmack and Trapt.

If there’s one thing I don’t like to do, it’s trash a band. It’s not a pretty or fun thing to do, especially knowing that, with their huge studio lineup, they probably worked extremely hard on the album. If I could give stars for effort, they’d probably get three stars out of four, hands down. Unfortunately, I critique music, and there is scarcely anything here for me to really say stands out as “good.”

If I had to pick out one song that was tolerable, it’s “Evilution.” It’s very poppy, which makes no sense on this record, but it works for the band. It’s either that, or I just liked it because I was tired and clawing for something of a different variety.

If you like nu-metal, which is totally fine, this album is for you. But I don’t think I would pass this on to the “industrial” crowd — even with my limited industrial music experience, I don’t think this would quench any of their needs.