Self-defense workshop trains women

By Nikki Schwab

They punched, kicked and yelled “no!” at imaginary assailants.

A dozen women took part… They punched, kicked and yelled “no!” at imaginary assailants.

A dozen women took part in an introductory self-defense workshop presented by instructor Meredith Stern on Sunday as another part of “Womyn’s Herstory” month.

“Women need to believe that we’re worth fighting for,” Stern said.

Stern has been teaching self-defense for three years after surviving an attack from multiple assailants when she was abroad. After the incident Stern was inspired to learn more self-defense techniques and pass along her knowledge to other women.

Stern demonstrated a variety of ways a woman can defend herself.

“There are many ways that we can defend ourselves, including humor,” Stern said, mentioning a funny incident of how a friend laughed in the face of a potential attacker and was not harmed.

She also showed both verbal and physical means of protection. The women practiced shouting “no,” various commands and obscenities at mock attackers. They also learned the correct way to kick, punch and jab.

“[The attackers are] not gonna look for someone that’s going to kick their ass,” Stern said.

Stern led the group around a block outside making them look at their feet the first time around and then increase their awareness during the second lap. The point of the exercise was to illustrate how an attacker cannot just “come out of nowhere” and increased awareness increases the chances of a woman knowing where to find safety in case of emergency.

The gathering took place at the Women’s Resource Center, a foundation that opened in May 2002 and provides information and services to women of all ages with minimal cost. The center is open from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday and is located at 121 North Highland Ave.