A ’90s rock spectacle


The Donnas

With Superdrag, Campfire Girls, Your Enemies’ Friends

Tonight, 7 p.m.

Club… The Donnas

With Superdrag, Campfire Girls, Your Enemies’ Friends

Tonight, 7 p.m.

Club Laga, $10 in advance, $12 at the door

All ages

(412) 682- 2050

A bunch of years back, in suburban Palo Alto, Ca., spoiled and busty high schoolers wearing T-shirts that read “Donna R.,” “Donna C.,” “Donna A.” and “Donna F.” got together to form a girlier, post-pubescent version of The Ramones. Tonight, they’re back to play Club Laga in support of their latest release, The Donnas Spend the Night.

However, The Donnas, having abandoned their Lookout! Records roots for Atlantic Records glam, sound more like Kiss than The Ramones on their new album, released Oct. 22. The Donnas show, perhaps too much, that they have grown up on this album, not even bothering to be subtle with the sex references, especially on tracks “Take it Off” and “Take Me to the Backseat.” The Donnas Spend the Night is a two-disc set that includes a DVD of behind-the-scenes footage, an animated video of “Do You Wanna Hit It” and, last but not least, an interview with Andy Dick.

This amount of finery is totally unnecessary for The Donnas’ simple punk pop. The Donnas, despite their blatant selling out, are sure to provide an energetic and downright fun rock show. Hey, at least they still write their own songs and play their own instruments.

Even if The Donnas’ pseudo-defiance isn’t your thing, Superdrag, well-known for that sincere pop classic, “Sucked Out,” is sure to deliver a less gimmicky performance. Along with Campfire Girls and Your Enemies’ Friends, The Donnas and Superdrag will provide a nostalgic look back to ’90s rock and perhaps high school.