The Random 21

1. Wearing leather pants in the summerDon’t you people sweat?

2. Timmy vs. Jimmy on “South… 1. Wearing leather pants in the summerDon’t you people sweat?

2. Timmy vs. Jimmy on “South Park”The best handicapped brawl this side of “Crippled Masters.”

3. “Dancer in the Dark”Just one of many reasons to fall in love with Bjork.

4. Unsavory hockey trades in the off-seasonThe whole thing smacks of the WWF.

5. Whoever lit the pipe bomb in the alley behind my building on July 4You at least could have woken me up to watch the explosion.

6. Girls who insist on telling guys how sexy they think Angelina Jolie isNot as outrageous as they’d like to think.

7. “Island of the Sharks” at the Carnegie Science Center’s IMAX theaterAt least seven people have refused to see this with me.

8. The new Talking Yoda doll (from Tiger Electronics)Ever wonder what it’s like to live with a nagging, self-righteous old man?

9. The Phantom’s Revenge at KennywoodDefinitely not worth sneaking your pregnant girlfriend onto.

10. Gorillaz’ “Clint Eastwood””Damn, that monkey can rap!”

11. Imbot.comThe art of the prank call improves by leaps and bounds.

12. Filling out your last teacher evaluation at PittNot quite as delicious as previously imagined.

13. Puffy AmiyumiJapanese fan girls take over the world (and we will let them).

14. Radiohead’s upcoming appearance on “South Park”No word yet on possible cripple fighting.

15. Referring to sneakers as “trainers”Eur-rific!

16. “Record of the Lodoss War”Anime worthy enough to bear the cumbersome “Tolkienesque” label.

17. TrepanationBecause everyone needs a hole in the head.

18. Big-ass platinum medallionsAs seen on NBA stars, “Dirty South” and Midwest rappers.

19. Performing spirited karaoke renditions of arena rock classicsOverambitious?

20. Jennifer Love Hewitt’s legal teamPrickly fellows.

21. Really thin mustachesComing back, but creepy nonetheless.

The 21 is written with love by Cotton Coslett, who can be seen sweating it out in Shadyside. E-mail him suggestions at [email protected].