Second SGB Allocations Committee member resigns

Another member of the student government said goodbye yesterday.

Ashley McCray, a senior majoring in chemical engineering, resigned from the Allocations Committee because of her class schedule, which conflicted with the committee meetings.

McCray notified Allocations Committee Chair Nasreen Harun Tuesday morning that her schedule conflicted with the Allocation Committee weekly meetings on Thursdays at 8:30 p.m.

McCray is the second Allocations Committee member to resign this term, in addition to fourStudent Government Board members. Committee member Michele Buono resigned on Aug. 15 to pursue a co-op with Volvo.

Harun said that, with McCray’s approval, she discussed the issue with Gina Scozzaro, student organization resource center business manager, and Nites, and then asked McCray to resign from her position on the committee.

Harun said all Allocations Committee members should understand when applying for a position on the committee that all members must be present at the meetings. The meeting time is also listed in the Allocations Manual.

“The expectation is clear,” Harun said.

McCray agreed.

McCray said she and Harun had discussed McCray’s conflicting schedule the week before. McCray dropped the first conflicting class, then switched into another class that also conflicted with the Thursday meeting time.

McCray said she and Harun tried to look for a solution in their conversations, “but it all boiled down to policy.”

“There is no short-term solution,” McCray said. “Nasreen did her job as chair to enforce the policy.”

McCray said she thinks the policy should be something the Allocations Committee reevaluates in the future.

“There’s opportunity for change in the policy,” McCray said. “We’re students first and this is a recurring issue.”

Student Government Board President Mike Nites and Harun both said that they are currently looking for candidates to “jump into” the allocations committee.

Nites, Harun and Allocations Committee Vice Chair Robyn Weiner are now accepting applications to fill the two vacant positions. Applications can be found on the SGB website and are due by this Friday, Sept. 5 at 5 p.m. 

The interview process will be divided into two parts. Nites, Harun and Weiner will review the applications, which will include two essay questions and the candidates’ resumes, and then choose twelve candidates to interview on Sunday.

The interviews will be private and last from 6:15 to 9:15 p.m.

All three interviewers agreed that some knowledge of the Allocations process would help prospective candidates, but also added that they are looking for dedication and enthusiasm.

“I want somebody who will get excited about what student groups have to talk to us about,” Weiner said.

McCray had some advice for the candidates looking to fill her place.

“Your goal should be to help organizations,” McCray said. “Make it easier for them to accomplish their goals.”