Time Capsule is a new series for The Pitt News that commemorates seminal releases in entertainment at or around a milestone anniversary. As the years pass, a work can gain greater context or significance...
"Begin Again"Directed by: John CarneyStarring: Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo, Adam LevineGrade: BThe poster for John Carney’s “Begin Again,” the spiritual sequel to his 2006 musical drama “Once,”...
In 2012, Brian Drusky decided to arrange a philanthropic Christmas competition.Drusky, the founder of local concert promoter Drusky Entertainment, asked fans in the community to submit photographs of themselves...
Back with a new byline and a new face — the Copy Chef.That’s me! Hi, my name is Ellie, and I am here to teach you how to create affordable culinary creations fit for the college student’s palate...
For soldiers at war, the destructive forces that cause them to take arms often prove to be the glue that forms the strongest bonds.“Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme,” written by...
If you know only one thing about Bon Iver, there’s a good chance it has something to do with the log cabin. Over the band’s transformation from quiet Wisconsin folk project to festival headliner and...
"Calvary"Directed by: John Michael McDonaghStarring: Brendan Gleeson, Chris O'DowdGrade: B+It’s surprising when tragedy and comedy overlap in life, and when movies sucessfuly combine the two, it’s...
By Dan Willis & Shawn Cooke / The Pitt News Staff
• September 1, 2014
After a mostly cool summer for new music releases, a whole bunch of artists will be rushing to drop albums in the coming months before they head out on fall tours. Although some of the more high-profile...
“What If”Directed by: Michael DowseStarring: Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe Kazan, Adam DriverGrade: B-For all the romantic comedies that claim that love is messy, far fewer actually believe it. “What If”...