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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

#thatawkwardmomentwhen: Pitt students recount awkward moments on ‘national holliday’

By Jessica Iacullo / Staff Writer March 26, 2015

Awkward moments occur all over campus and are almost inevitable. National Awkward Moments Day, celebrated last week, gives people the opportunity to rehash past awkward experiences and laugh, cry or both...

Joe Sestak walks campaign trail to Pitt

Joe Sestak walks campaign trail to Pitt

By Nerine Sivagnanam / Staff Writer March 26, 2015

Joe Sestak is walking in Pennsylvanians’ shoes on the campaign trail — literally.As part of his campaign for the U.S. Senate, Sestak is walking across Pennsylvania and making stops in several towns...

Board of Trustees committee approves leasing, renovation funds

The Property and Facilities Committee of Pitt’s Board of Trustees approved $37 million for two renovation projects and several million more for three building leases.The committee includes 13 members...

Hail to the chief (of staff): Kathy Humphrey, vice chancellor and chief of staff, talks her new job and her vision for Pitt

Hail to the chief (of staff): Kathy Humphrey, vice chancellor and chief of staff, talks her new job and her vision for Pitt

Kathy Humphrey has moved on — and moved up. Until January of this year, Humphrey was Pitt’s vice provost and dean of students. Chancellor Patrick Gallagher promoted her not long after winter break...

It’s complicated: Pitt discusses teacher-student relationships

By Emma Solak / Staff Writer March 25, 2015

A Pitt student walks into a bar. A Pitt professor walks into the same bar. The two have never met, and after a few drinks, he invites her out for dinner. It sounds like the start to a bad joke, but under...

Genocide awareness club comes to Pitt

Genocide awareness club comes to Pitt

Shamanta Mostofa said other students ask her “if political leaders can’t control [genocide], what are a bunch of college kids going to do?”With the her newly-established group, the Genocide Relief...

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