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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Editorial: Zero-tolerance not a policy to pursue in schools

By The Pitt News Editorial Board January 8, 2014

Schools across the country have adopted and abided by “zero tolerance” disciplinary policies that grant students who commit anything from acts of bullying and insubordination to minor infractions of...

National health care advocates quantity, undermines quality

By Nick Voutsinos / Columnist January 7, 2014

When Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare into law July 30, 1965, skepticism was immediately omnipresent among the American public. Simply put, the bill was just too complicated for many people to comprehend.As...

Editorial: Marijuana legislation needs research, substance

By The Pitt News Editorial Board January 7, 2014

Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York has reignited the marijuana policy flame in the Empire State with a recent move to loosen the restrictions New York has on the drug. He is expected to endorse policies that...

Tread carefully: Peduto’s progressive rhetoric optimistic, empty

By Matt Barnes / Columnist January 6, 2014

District 8 Councilman Bill Peduto is Pittsburgh’s mayor, and as profoundly stated on the night of his victory, we have ended “the era of Renaissance.”Instead, Peduto aims to change Pittsburgh through...

Editorial: Future success needs to be focus of reforming unemployment system

By The Pitt News Editorial Board January 6, 2014

Over winter break, while many enjoyed holiday festivities with family members and an egregious consumption of Netflix, Congress left many struggling to determine their financial stability in 2014. Last...

Keep the ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality out of finals

By Sophia Al Rasheed / Columnist December 8, 2013

As finals week approaches, I can’t help but carry an almost condescending senior attitude toward the noobs who allow stress to take over. This could partially be due to round two of senioritis, but I’d...

Keep the ‘Christ’ in Christmas

By Nick Voutsinos / Columnist December 8, 2013

Well, it’s that time of year again. It’s time for us to build up our arms and fortify our defenses in preparation for the “war on Christmas.”But I should not have to tell you because you should...

University needs to learn lesson in fiscal responsibility

By Rohith Palli / Columnist December 4, 2013

College is expensive. Pitt, compared to the average  public university, is particularly expensive. According to the College Board, the average tuition at public universities last year was $8,655. So why...

Editorial: Tread carefully: 3-D printers may breed stronger criminals

By The Pitt News Editorial Board December 4, 2013

Internet? Check. Cheap materials? Check. Access to a local 3-D printer? Check. Nowadays, that’s all you need to materialize any object you may desire. While this proposes the next step of future innovation,...

Obamacare: good intent, bad policy

By Matt Barnes / Columnist December 3, 2013

On March 23, 2010, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, was signed into law. The government overhaul of our nation’s health care system has proved controversial...

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