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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The Arctic Monkeys performed at the Petersen Events Center July 31. (Photo courtesy of Abbie Tesfay)

Arctic Monkeys’ Pittsburgh performance fired up the Pete

By Sarah Connor, Culture Editor August 20, 2018
The indie rock band excited fans of all ages at their performance on Pitt's campus in late July.
Arctic Monkeys continue to disappoint on AM

Arctic Monkeys continue to disappoint on AM

By John Lavanga / A&E Editor September 26, 2013

Arctic MonkeysAMC-Sounds Like: Arctic Monkeys can't remember when they used to be rascals“Anticipation has a habit to set you up for disappointment.”That was front man Alex Turner’s opening line...

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