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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Meghan Sunners | Visual Editor

Point-Counterpoint: Gorsuch upholds law, not ideology, in his rulings

By Christian Snyder | Columnist April 3, 2017

Since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016, his seat on the Supreme Court has remained vacant. After the GOP-led Congress denied former President Barack Obama’s nominee for the seat —...

Meghan Sunners | Visual Editor

Point-Counterpoint: Gorsuch nomination would set unconstitutional precedent

By Nick Eustis | Columnist April 3, 2017

Since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016, his seat on the Supreme Court has remained vacant. After the GOP-led Congress denied former President Barack Obama’s nominee for the seat —...

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