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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

A view of downtown Pittsburgh.

Opinion | How do we categorize the most livable cities?

By Emily O’Neil, Senior Staff Columnist February 8, 2024
How can we place living into a category? The idea that everyone finds the same attributes of a city livable is questionable. Everyone has varying parameters and ways of living. How can we categorize livability when everyone’s ideal is so different?
Opinion | CEOs are grossly overcompensated while workers suffer

Opinion | CEOs are grossly overcompensated while workers suffer

By Lucas DiBlasi, Senior Staff Columnist May 26, 2021
The nearly uniform decision of companies to lavish CEOs with tens of millions of dollars while actively decimating the lives of their workers is both a gross moral failure and a clear indictment of a rancid systemic problem.

Editorial: Keep teachers where we need them most

By The Pitt News Editorial Board December 7, 2015

The gap in academic achievement is not necessarily a result of bad teachers, but a result of inconsistent teachers. According to a report from journalist Emma Brown of The Washington Post, low-income...

Editorial: Facebook: ‘Dislike’ button divisive

By The Pitt News Editorial Board September 16, 2015

What’s on your mind?” Facebook asks as you open its mobile app. More likely than not, what’s in the back of your mind while you use Facebook is your image — how your peers will perceive your...

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