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The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

A ba'al tekiah blows the Shofar at the William Pitt Union on Thursday.

Jewish students celebrate Rosh Hashanah amidst feelings of cautious optimism

By Sydney Krasniewski, Staff Writer October 4, 2024
Chabad at Pitt hosted their annual “Shofar in the Park” event on Thursday afternoon for Rosh Hashanah. Jewish students and families attended a brief service and enjoyed brisket sandwiches together on the WPU lawn. 
A violin is displayed with a Star of David engraving on its back at the “Violins of Hope” exhibit in the Posner Center at CMU.

‘Wherever there were violins, there was hope’: CMU exhibit honors music during the Holocaust

By Trinity Foster, Senior Staff Writer November 15, 2023

For Jewish people during World War II, the violin was more than an instrument — it was a beacon of hope, a source of work and a savior. Violins that Jews played in Europe throughout the Holocaust are...

Riley Crow, a junior film and media studies major, greets participants before the “We Walk to Remember” Holocaust Remembrance Day event.

‘Forever alive’: Pitt community commemorates Holocaust Remembrance Day with walk, name recitation

By Ryleigh Lord, Assistant News Editor April 18, 2023
About 20 students, staff and faculty gathered in Schenley Quad Monday morning for the annual “We Walk to Remember” event. Participants, who were silent during the walk, used the time to reflect and mourn lives lost during the Holocaust.
Hosted by Film Pittsburgh, the 28th annual JFilm Festival will take place virtually from April 22 until May 2, featuring 18 American and international films that highlight Jewish faith and culture.

JFilm festival shares Jewish culture, stories from around the world

By Hayley Lesh, Staff Writer April 14, 2021
Hosted by Film Pittsburgh, the 28th annual JFilm Festival will take place virtually from April 22 until May 2. The festival features 18 American and international films that highlight Jewish faith and culture.
Pitt’s Jewish Studies Program hosted the panel “Sexing American Jewish History” last Friday via Zoom to celebrate the release of the special edition of American Jewish History.

In the ‘streets’ and ‘sheets’: Panel discusses the connection between sexuality and Judaism

By Allison Radziwon, For The Pitt News February 15, 2021
Pitt’s Jewish Studies Program hosted Friday’s panel, “Sexing American Jewish History,” to commemorate the release of a special edition of the American Jewish History journal. It discusses how sexuality shaped the history of Judaism in the United States.
Roger Day and Abby Resnick of Squirrel Hill join in singing a Hebrew song at the vigil mourning the lives lost in the Squirrel Hill synagogue shooting Saturday morning. Day and Resnick are Jewish but they are not currently affiliated with a synagogue.

PERSEPECTIVE | How the Jewish community hopes to heal

By Brian Gentry, Contributing Editor October 30, 2018
The Jewish community has been strong in the face of such a horrific tragedy, a testament to its resilience and virtue. As community members mourn the loss of 11 of their family and friends, they look to heal their wounds.
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