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The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

A cart filled with lanterns at the 103rd Lantern Night on the Cathedral lawn on Sunday evening.

103rd Lantern Night has record-breaking new student attendance

By Abby Lipold, Staff Writer August 29, 2023

Shortly after dark on Sunday evening, thousands of Pitt students and alumni gathered on the Cathedral lawn to celebrate the beginning of the academic year with Pitt’s annual lantern-lighting ceremony. Lantern...

First-year and second-year women attended Pitt’s 101st annual Lantern Night on the Cathedral Lawn Sunday night, receiving the “light of learning” from Pitt alumni.

Students celebrate 101st Lantern Night with an outdoor celebration

By Suln Yun, Staff Writer August 30, 2021
Students carried glowing lanterns across the Cathedral Lawn — lighting up the starry night sky overhead at Sunday night’s 101st Lantern Night.
First-year students were given LED lanterns to display in their windows to celebrate the 100th annual Lantern Night.

Students celebrate 100th Lantern Night from a distance

By Priya Ray, Staff Writer August 21, 2020
Lantern Night, one of Pitt’s oldest traditions, celebrated its 100th anniversary this year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year looked quite different as first-year students placed LED candles in their dorm windows.

99 years proud: Annual tradition glows at Lantern Night

By Benjamin Nigrosh, For The Pitt News August 26, 2019
As Linda Wharton Boyd looked out over a sea of first-year female Pitt students on Sunday night, she asked each attendee to look to the person to their left and the person to their right and repeat a three-word phrase.

Lantern night shines a light on women’s education

By Madeline Gavatorta, Staff Writer August 27, 2018
Women at Pitt first began celebrating Lantern Night, the oldest tradition at Pitt, in 1920. This year, at the 98th annual celebration, alumnae passed the "light of learning" to first-year women.
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