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The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Pa. ballots must be received by Friday at 5 p.m. and postmarked on or before Tuesday in order to be counted.

Ballot count continues in high-turnout election

By Betul Tuncer, For The Pitt News November 4, 2020
County boards of elections in Pennsylvania must receive mail-in ballots from voters by Friday at 5 p.m., and they must be postmarked on or before Tuesday in order to be counted.
Priya Gupta voted for the first time this year but had to track down a missing ballot after it was lost in the mail on the way from New Jersey to Pittsburgh.

First-time voters feel empowered, frustrated leading up to Election Day

By Thea Barrett, Staff Writer October 28, 2020
Priya Gupta is one of the 24 million Gen Z voters who will have the opportunity to vote on Election Day. Some first-time voters at Pitt described their thought process leading up to the election and the issues that sway them the most.
Pennsylvania mail-in ballots must be filled out and received by the county elections office on June 2.

Your guide to the June 2 primary election

By Benjamin Nigrosh, News Editor May 27, 2020
This is the first year Pennsylvania has allowed mail-in ballots for anyone who requested one by the May 26 deadline. Mail-in ballots must be filled out and received by the county elections office by 8 p.m. on June 2.
Voters drop off their presidential primary mail-in ballots at a drop box at King County Elections in Renton, Washington, on March 10.

Opinion | You’ve got mail(-in ballots)

By Devi Ruia, Senior Staff Columnist April 13, 2020
The primary elections in Wisconsin last week were an unnecessary disaster.
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