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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Opinion | Why I married a man from Tinder

Opinion | Why I married a man from Tinder

By Jessica Snyder, Senior Staff Columnist February 13, 2023
When I was little, I made up my mind that I would never get married or have children. Currently, I’ve been married to my husband, Joe, for a month and we’ve committed to adopting two fur babies, Queso and Cash, who have lived in our apartment for less than a week. While my past self might be pleasantly surprised, I don’t think she would be any less confused that I decided to get married, like most of you readers.
Opinion | Marriage and love are not one and the same

Opinion | Marriage and love are not one and the same

By Genna Edwards, Staff Columnist March 5, 2020
To equate marriage with love is to be complicit in the domestic violence and unfair division of labor that marriage as an institution tends to include.
A group of Walmart employees march behind a company truck as it makes its way through EQT’s pride parade, which has been criticized as being too centered around corporations. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)

Pittsburgh packs the streets for Pride 2018

By Madeline Gavatorta | Staff Writer June 13, 2018

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple lit up downtown Pittsburgh over the weekend as members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies united to celebrate their differences and show support for the...

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