Pittsburgh is the annual host of Anthrocon, the world’s largest furry convention. This past weekend, more than 200 vendors and 7,300 attendees took part in the festivities which were held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
A sign on the corner of Liberty Avenue and 10th Avenue invites convention-goers to dine out. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)Several fursuiters pose and hug one another at Anthrocon on Sunday afternoon. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)Sherbet’s costume is a continuation of a persona which honors JB, a member of the Anthrocon community, who recently passed away from cancer. Around Sherbet’s neck is a lanyard which reads: “Cancer Sucks.” (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)Wyoon has not yet decided on a name for his fursuit persona which is based on the 80s TV character, Murdoch. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)Two fursuiters hold hands and look out on the river at the conclusion of Anthrocon on Sunday afternoon. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)Gadget and Gizmo pose in their dragonbunny fursuits at Anthrocon on Sunday afternoon. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)John Nunnemacher, a cartoon artist professionally known as Cooner, shows off his sketchbook filled with illustrations of various characters which have approached him at the convention. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)An illustrator and professional digital designer from Germany, known as TaniDaReal, sells mood books at Anthrocon. These books are worn as necklaces and depict an animal expressing a different emotion on each page. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)Sandy Pants is a pigmy goat brought from Hope Haven, the designated charity organization at this year’s Anthrocon. The organization is currently responsible for the care of more than 150 local farm animals which have been abused and neglected. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)A variety of more than 200 dealers begin to dissassemble their stands at the conclusion of this year’s Anthrocon. Stands include: comic books, sketches, clothing, musicians, and fursuit accessories. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)A fursuiter takes a break from the festivities as the convention winds down. (Photo by Anna Bongardino | Visual Editor)