‘She’s Out of Your League’ fails on unfunny premise

By Noah Levinson

“She’s Out of My League”

Starring: Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve

Starring: Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve

Director: Jim Field Smith

Paramount Pictures

Grade: D+

When an attractive woman spends her time dating even an average-looking guy, quick judgments fly around — “He must be rich as hell,” or “She must have really low self-esteem,” or, my personal favorite, “Maybe she’s blind.”

In “She’s Out of My League,” a gorgeous event planer, Molly (Alice Eve), starts a relationship with sweet, sensitive, average-looking airport security guard, Kirk (Jay Baruchel). One question, though, supposedly drives this movie from start to finish. Why is she with him?

That’s not the question I asked for the entire 104 minutes, though.

A better question — why wasn’t this movie fun? Well, the entire time I was trying to figure out what movie the creators had watched before diving into “She’s Out of My League,” because it seems like every character, situation and line of dialogue is modeled off some other movie about attractiveness and whatnot.

Kirk, portrayed by Jay Baruchel — who played a novice actor in “Tropic Thunder” as well as one of Seth Rogan’s character’s friends in “Knocked Up,” — has this weird stew of personas going on inside him. He’s a little friendly like “Knocked Up” co-star, Rogan, but dorky like one of those kids from “Weird Science.” Add a little James Stewart underdog, and there’s Baruchel’s persona — maybe still not ready to lead a film of his own.

Kirk’s friends cannot stop talking about how ridiculously attractive Molly — played by relatively-unknown actress Alice Eve — is. Still, she’s not all caught up in her beauty in the Paris Hilton way from the excruciating “The Hottie & The Nottie.”

The film goes on for way too long, trying to be amusing in its plot turns, but ends up as annoying. The jokes themselves settle on expletives and physical slapstick. In one of the film’s funnier moments, Kirk’s family and friends — including his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend — has lunch with the smoking-hot Molly. When they find out how much money she makes in her line of work, the family goes back and forth spewing, “F*** you” to each other. Kirk’s mom — played by Debra Jo Rupp — otherwise known as Kitty Forman on “That ‘70s Show” — even lets an f-bomb out in amazement.

One of the more disgusting moments occurs when Kirk gets a little too excited during a make-out session with Molly. As Molly’s parents come in to say hello, Kirk tries to rush out of the room, hiding the sticky stain on his pants. The scene is extremely awkward, trying to make an extremely gross moment not as gross. But it is gross! You see the stain, the dog licks it — and it’s sticky! But the scene ends quickly — the film perhaps embarrassed by its own gross-out humor.

“American Pie” wasn’t afraid of gross-out comedy, so why should “She’s Out of My League” be?

The one hopeful in this mess of a film, though, seems to be T.J. Miller (“Cloverfield”) — who plays Kirk’s airport buddy, Stainer. Miller keeps Stainer dry, consistent and funny — even coming out of the “She’s Out of My League” with only a few scrapes on him.