Reform energy by taxing “bads,” help workers by not taxing “goods”


Now, since it appears from the State of the Union address that even Bush has signed on, I’m… Now, since it appears from the State of the Union address that even Bush has signed on, I’m positive that I don’t need to convince any of you liberal college kids that America needs to reduce its oil consumption. I’ve supported the idea for a while now – and I’m a card-carrying Libertarian. Therefore, I won’t mention greenhouse gases, funding terror-states, blood for oil, or the like.

In the State of the Union address, President Bush also offered a solution for his plan: higher fuel standards for cars and encouraging ethanol. On these points, President Bush is dead wrong. I am shocked that anyone who avows to believe in a free economy would profess to have a government plan for alternative energy. If we really have an ounce of respect for capitalism