Author booked for Feb.


February is a busy month for author E. Lynn Harris.

Though he usually gives about one talk… February is a busy month for author E. Lynn Harris.

Though he usually gives about one talk per month, he said, in honor of Black History Month, he has eight scheduled readings across the country.

The Black Action Society brought Harris to Pitt Monday night to speak to students about his experiences as a black author.

“What are the costs of living an authentic life?” he asked students. “Basically it means really being true to yourself.”

Speaking from his own experience as an IBM employee who quit to be a writer, he emphasized the importance of trusting your own instincts and living life to the fullest.

The best-selling author’s many novels, short stories, essays and novellas cover topics of sexuality, religion, love and relationships.

Students asked if the sometimes-controversial material caused Harris problems in his own community of family and friends.

“People respect honesty,” he said.

His works have won awards ranging from the Blackboard Novel of the Year prize to the James Baldwin Award for literary excellence.

Currently a teacher at the University of Arkansas, where he got his degree, Harris spoke about his good experiences with student curiosity and tolerance.

“I am optimistic about your generation,” he said.