Music takes on a new look with a band that bucks genres


Once in a great while, a fantastic band comes along that combines all the best elements of… Once in a great while, a fantastic band comes along that combines all the best elements of several genres while still standing out well on its own. Quarterstick Records’ Rachel’s is no exception to this. The Louisville, Ky., group has played everywhere from regular concert venues to churches and bowling alleys.

Rachel’s brings the idea of classical music and post-rock together to make one sound. The melodies are quite reflective of those by many western composers, but the music itself has the appeal of post-rock to please indie fans.

Systems-Layers is the latest offering from Rachel’s. The album consists of a little more than an hour of some of the most beautiful and spacey songs ever put on disc. The music itself feels subdued a bit compared to their typical post-rock peers, but that’s why the group is a fantastic live band to watch.

Along with the usual guitar, bass and drums, Rachel’s will be playing out as a six-piece with piano, cello, viola, laptop and even experimental film. The band takes it upon itself to make sure that their show is as aurally and visually interesting as possible.

Some of the more hip kids might also like the fact that members of Rachel’s were also in the short-lived math-rock band, Rodan. But it’s nice that they are doing something a little different and unique in the genre into which they have been pigeonholed. Rachel’s is the type of band that you can stick into a genre, but they have enough diversity that they’ll overlap with other styles.

Also on the bill for the show is Pittsburgh’s own Gremlins ‘ Butterflies. This is one of the finest bands the city has never heard of. The sextet, which hails mostly from Duquesne University, has the epic style of Mogwai, the fluidity of Sigur Ros and the climactic qualities of Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

The musicians of Gremlins ‘ Butterflies not only express themselves in a wall of sound that fills the room with their unmatched power, but also accent their music beautifully with a string section.

Their live shows have been quite powerful, connecting many songs into one package and saving all applause for the end. You’ll be hard pressed to even discern where one song ends and the next begins, thanks to the band’s seamless utilization of the beauty and chaos of noise. If you love experimental post-rock, these guys are right up your alley.

If you happen to be in town this weekend as spring break kicks off, be sure not to miss this show that features two incredible bands. Rachel’s doesn’t show up very often in this area, so it would be a painful thing to miss for fans of the band. Rumor has it that Rachel’s plans on playing songs from all six of their records, and even a few new songs, so hopefully, you can witness the glory that is Rachel’s along with Gremlins ‘ Butterflies.

Rachel’s and Gremlins ‘ Butterflies plays Modern Formation on Saturday. The doors open at 7 p.m. and tickets are $10.