War for the perpetuation of petroleum


Peak Oil is upon us, and the world is about to be destroyed by war.

This is not the point at… Peak Oil is upon us, and the world is about to be destroyed by war.

This is not the point at which there is no more oil. It’s the point at which oil production peaks and then begins to decline.

In 1974, geologist Marion King Hubbert predicted that world oil fields would achieve their maximum output in 2000. The figure was later revised by some of his acolytes, such as Henry Groppe, Colin J. Campbell and Matt Simmons, to anywhere between 2006-2010.

Don’t take my word for it. As Al Jazeera (but not Fox News!) reported, the U.S. Department of Energy recently released a report, “The Peaking of World Oil production: Impacts, Mitigation, ‘ Risk Management.”

When Peak Oil occurs, oil supplies begin their perpetual decrease. But demand will continue to increase unless drastic measures are taken to curb our consumption of oil.

Of course, that will not happen.

Why not?

Because the American people have decided it’s their God-given right to commit horrendous acts of wastefulness, like owning personal automobiles, thousands of utterly useless plastic products and importing every single item of food and clothing they eat or wear from other bioregions at tremendous petroleum expense.

In fact, these things define “freedom.” They are the American way of life. And as the “Diabolically Evil” Dick Cheney recently stated, “The American way of life is nonnegotiable.”

That is, the American way of life will continue to remain petroleum-dependant, and thus come into competition with the developing Chinese, Indian, Russian and European ways of life.

This information casts a terrible new light on world events of the last five years.

This is the world as it exists now:

The United States has two enormous military presences in the Middle East (aka where the oil is) — the 150,000 soldiers in Iraq and the armed forces of Israel. The United States has been escalating its condemnation of Syria over Lebanon, in which the presence of Hezbollah and the Syrian military could provide a perfect pretext for invasion. At the same time, the United States’ other great enemy, Iran, has pledged to defend Syria and is unlikely to stand by and allow Hezbollah to be disarmed without a fight.

Meanwhile the socialist-leftist governments in Brazil, Venezuela and Cuba are cementing their alliance as the Chinese economy industrializes, constantly in need of more oil.

All the while, the lifeblood of every single one of these nations is soon going to be harder and harder to find.

At this point, the standard lefty thing to do would be to tell the boys and girls to get out their walking shoes and warm up their vocal chords because it’s going to take a really big parade (“protest”) to stop this war.

But that’s never going to happen. This is a war for the very existence of the petro-capitalist lifestyle. No amount of parading is going to stop it.

Between the PATRIOT Act, the Homeland Security Act, the provisions in place for a “terror alert” Code Red, Executive Order 11921 and the government’s proven willingness to suspend its constitution — whether in wartime or not — you can count on a wave of repression against anyone who shows the slightest interest in trying.

There’s nothing to be done now. If the world had listened to the warnings 40 years ago and made the switch to a non-petroleum-based economic system, we wouldn’t have to worry about this. But the world didn’t listen.

Welcome to World War IV.

For further reading, check out “The Oil Age is Over” by Matt Savinar and “Plan Powerdown” by Richard Heinberg then e-mail Steve Thomas your doomsday predictions at [email protected].