SGB ready to wrap up semester


Just like any other students at Pitt, Student Government Board members are looking forward… Just like any other students at Pitt, Student Government Board members are looking forward to summer.

“To all those people who think their professors are Satan incarnate, summer is almost here,” SGB member Charis Jones said.

SGB member Todd Brandon Morris apologized to the students in attendance for some of the confusion and humor that occurred during the meeting.

“I assure you, this is not our first board meeting,” said Morris, who also joked about his age. “Yes, I am 29 years old, for those of you who asked.”

The meeting provided an opportunity for the board to recognize the works of people and organizations on campus.

Jones spoke about the Pitt Project Oakland, which organizes events for students to help clean up the area.

“It is pretty cool, and it’s outside,” Jones said.

SGB President Brian Kelly also recognized Students for Political Opportunity, for their efforts in bringing politicians like John Kerry and Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell to campus.

“They have been really integral in bringing [Kerry and Rendell] to campus,” Kelly said.

Kelly also responded to Morris’ request that SGB vote to add the membership fee for United States Student Association, without sending the application through the allocations committee.

“That’s not a precedent we want to set,” Kelly said.

The board agreed to vote on a resolution dealing with the issue during its next meeting.

The board also voted to pass appealed budget requests, as revised by the committee, and approved budgets that were not appealed.

Board member Joe Pasqalichio updated the board on the progress of “Pick-a-Prof,” through which students can find out more about their professors, as well as rate the ones they have had.

The board approved funding for the Black Action Society’s Black Homecoming before the meeting began, but they announced the decision to the students in attendance.

Jones discussed a Carnegie Mellon University fashion show named “Remix”, and said there will be Pitt students participating.

“They come to the best to get the best,” Jones said, of CMU seeking Pitt students to participate.