These guys don’t print

By Adam Rauf

Another school year is upon us, and with it comes another year of shows at Oakland’s own… Another school year is upon us, and with it comes another year of shows at Oakland’s own Club Laga. Taking us through the transition of summer to fall is a show from the greats known as Cursive, along with touring mates The Blood Brothers and Eastern Youth.

The members of Cursive made a name for themselves by touring with bands such as Thursday. Their 2003 release, The Ugly Organ, on Saddle Creek Records, was a big hit in the underground music scene.

Their music can only be described as strange to those who have yet to hear them. With odd string arrangements, the vocals cascade between singing and throaty screams reminiscent of Thursday.The Blood Brothers, on the other hand, build their sound upon the foundation of insanity. It’s common to see this band go absolutely nuts on stage, with their two-singer attack. They’ve toured with everyone, and everyone has either loved or hated this band.Their act is basically a shouting match between vocalists Jordan Blilie and Johnny Whitney. Morgan, their bass player, doubles as a keyboardist during the band’s set, bringing a dancey, cathartic sound in one neatly assembled package.

While it may seem a bit much, it’s also the main idea behind their sonic assault. Although they are not afraid of having melodic breakdowns with vocal parts, you’re more or less looking at a way to get out some of your aggression.

Japan’s Eastern Youth found their niche in U.S. culture thanks to former underground sensation At the Drive-In, who have since divided to form Sparta and The Mars Volta. In accordance with coming to the United States in 2000, they have acquired their own hip, indie following.

Don’t miss out on this night of sheer chaos.

Cursive, The Blood Brothers and Eastern Youth will play Club Laga Mon., Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12-$14. Call (412) 682-2050 for more information.