Protesting in harmony

By Adam Rauf

The Copyrights, Arco Flute Foundation (and one to be announced)

Friday, 7 p.m.

Benedum… The Copyrights, Arco Flute Foundation (and one to be announced)

Friday, 7 p.m.

Benedum Auditorium, $3-$6

Each day, it seems America inches closer to war. Thankfully, several people wish to protest such intentions with music. Tonight, The Copyrights and Arco Flute Foundation will let their instruments do the talking as they rock Pitt’s own Benedum Auditorium.

Though neither band is a stranger to Pittsburgh’s music scene, the similarities end there. The Copyrights are a straight up rock ‘n’ roll three-piece, with intricately laced melodies and a fresh attitude that puts mainstream rock bands to shame. Arco Flute Foundation is mellower and plays on the beauty of instrumental minimalism, such as the Icelandic sensation Sigur Ros.

With the show at Benedum Auditorium, it should be rather easy to walk up to see these two great bands – and one more to be announced at show time – play their hearts out for a good cause.

It’s refreshing to see Pitt students spending the time to organize anti-war shows. Though the string of protests and concerts may be only a small voice, it’s a reminder that music is the one thing that brings everyone together.