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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Ray Nell Jones was featured on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” last Thursday, where she and her family received a Hyundai SantaFe in appreciation for her nonprofit work.

Pitt staff member featured on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” helps single mothers in need

By Diana Velasquez, Senior Staff Writer May 12, 2020

For most people, a lunch break at work is a time to relax, but Ray Nell Jones, an administrative assistant in Pitt’s Office of Student Life, spends many of those breaks diligently cutting out coupons. These...

James Conner greets the crowd at the Blue/Gold game.  Jeff Ahearn | Assistant Visual Editor

Conner Stronger: Running back beats cancer

By Steve Rotstein / Sports Editor May 24, 2016

Six months ago, Stanley Marks received a call from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Western Pennsylvania about inviting a star guest speaker to its annual Light the Night Walk kickoff breakfast. The...

James Conner talks to Ellen about battling Hodgkin's lymphoma to get back on the field. Courtesy of EllenTube

James Conner visits Ellen DeGeneres Show

By Ashwini Sivaganesh / Staff Writer April 22, 2016

Pitt running back James Conner made a guest appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show Thursday afternoon. During his eight-minute segment, Conner spoke about what it’s been like to play football while...

Ellen Degeneres puts a human touch on the Oscars

Ellen Degeneres puts a human touch on the Oscars

By Britnee Meiser / For The Pitt News March 5, 2014

Expectations for Ellen DeGeneres as the host of last Sunday’s Academy Awards were high enough even before the event began. Of course, after Seth MacFarlane’s jokes about overweight celebrities, domestic...

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