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The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Israel Peace Rally participants gather in a circle draped in Israeli flags to sing prayers in Schenley Plaza on Monday evening.

Different student groups rally in Schenley for Israel, Palestine in wake of recent attacks

By Anna Kuntz, Staff Writer October 10, 2023
Over 100 students rallied in Schenley Plaza to show their support for Israel following recent attacks by militant group Hamas just outside of Gaza. Later in the evening, another group of students also rallied in response to show their support of Palestine.
Israelis are seen from above a protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right government that his opponents say threaten democracy and freedoms, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023

Opinion | Israel’s modification of its judicial system has negative implications for democracy

By Rachel Soloff, Opinions Editor March 3, 2023
Despite most Israelis being vehemently opposed to it, the Likud party’s weakening of the Supreme Court has negative implications for the state of democracy in Israel.
A supporter holds up a flag while atop a stoplight as protesters walk below during a rally and march in support of Palestinians in Chicago in response to an ongoing assault between Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East on Sunday, May 16, 2021.

Opinion | Americans’ silence on apartheid can’t continue

By Sofia Uriagereka-Herburger, Staff Columnist March 1, 2023
The U.S.’s financial stakes in the occupation of Palestine make it the only country where support for Israel is presented as neutral or even progressive.
Opinion | The rise in left-wing antisemitism is dangerous and unacceptable

Opinion | The rise in left-wing antisemitism is dangerous and unacceptable

By Dalia Maeroff, Senior Staff Columnist May 26, 2021
I wonder if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a touchy subject to Americans because of the antisemitism that runs deep throughout American and world history.
The crowd of over 100 protestors gathered at Flagstaff Hill on Saturday afternoon carrying “Free Palestine” signs and Palestinian flags as they marched to Schenley Plaza. The protest was organized in reaction to the recent escalation in violence in Israel and Gaza over the past two weeks.

‘Emergency Rally for Palestine’ in Oakland calls for the end of Israeli occupation and violence

By Nathan Fitchett, Senior Staff Writer May 26, 2021
The crowd of over 100 protestors gathered at Flagstaff Hill on Saturday afternoon to protest Israel's ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories. Protestors carried “Free Palestine” signs and Palestinian flags as they marched to Schenley Plaza. The protest was organized in reaction to the recent escalation in violence against Palestinians by Israelis over the past two weeks.
The Pittsburgh chapters of the Democratic Socialists of America and Council on American-Islamic Relations hosted a “Stand in Solidarity with Palestine” rally at the corner of Forbes Avenue and Bigelow Boulevard on Friday afternoon.

‘Stand in Solidarity with Palestine’ rally calls to amplify Palestinian voices, end US funding of Israel

By Betul Tuncer, Staff Writer May 19, 2021
A group of nearly 250 people gathered in Oakland on Friday afternoon in solidarity with Palestine. The group sang the lyrics to “Which Side Are You On?” an activist song commonly sung at many protests, while waving Palestinian flags.
The Pittsburgh branch of Jewish Voice for Peace publicized a petition to end all training exchanges between the Pittsburgh police and Israel in November.

Opinion | Anti-Israel groups’ petition is misleading

By Josh Beylinson, Staff Columnist January 29, 2021
The petition is filled with false assertions and demonstrates that these organizations are interested not in real dialogue about Israel or Zionism, but in promoting incendiary campaigns that employ anti-Semitic tropes.
Opinion | Abraham Accords are not a betrayal of Palestinians

Opinion | Abraham Accords are not a betrayal of Palestinians

By Josh Beylinson, Staff Columnist November 18, 2020
The Palestinian leadership may disapprove of Arab-Israeli diplomatic relations, but Israel should not be ostracized by the international community for the Palestinian leadership’s own refusal to make peace.
The Israeli flag at the top of Masada.

Opinion | 10 Days in the “Heroic Little Nation of Israel”

By Aidan Segal, For The Pitt News January 13, 2020
The sun sets on the hills of the Old City of Jerusalem as we are greeted with the singing of “Am Yisrael Chai” and the blowing of the shofar.

Letter to the Editor | Re: ‘Editorial: Pro-Palestine doesn’t mean anti-Semitic’

February 13, 2019
The op-ed piece published Tuesday is dangerous because though its writers claim it does, it has not opened a dialogue.
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