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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The Outbreak | Managing COVID-19 and mental health

The Outbreak | Managing COVID-19 and mental health

By Megan Williams, Digital Manager February 4, 2021
Now, almost a year from our first quarantine, my worst fear came true — I tested positive for COVID-19.
The Outbreak | Cannabis, coronavirus and boredom

The Outbreak | Cannabis, coronavirus and boredom

By Anonymous Staff Writer April 20, 2020
To be honest, I am not sure if I would be able to keep my sanity during this quarantine without weed to take the edge off. 
The Outbreak | A view of the pandemic from my hammock

The Outbreak | A view of the pandemic from my hammock

By Delilah Bourque, Contributing Editor April 14, 2020
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been one silver lining — the increasingly warm and often-sunny weather in Pittsburgh. On days when there’s not a cloud in the sky, my favorite thing to do is take my hammock to different spots around Oakland.
The Outbreak | Dating at a distance

The Outbreak | Dating at a distance

By Eli Savage, Contributing Editor April 9, 2020
Eli Savage can't touch his immunocompromised boyfriend, but at least he gets to see him.
The Outbreak | Quarantine has made my OCD much, much, much worse

The Outbreak | Quarantine has made my OCD much, much, much worse

By Megan Williams, Senior Staff Writer April 6, 2020
Megan Williams' Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder has always revolved around the idea of safety. Now, the greatest danger to that safety is the coronavirus.
The Outbreak | Well, now I'm never going to read “Infinite Jest”

The Outbreak | Well, now I’m never going to read “Infinite Jest”

By Leah Mensch, Contributing Editor April 2, 2020
Leah Mensch has lied about reading "Infinite Jest" more than she's lied about almost anything else.
The Outbreak | My Christianity squares off against my family’s

The Outbreak | My Christianity squares off against my family’s

By Carolyn Pallof, Contributing Staff Member March 31, 2020
With the coronavirus outbreak, the upcoming presidential election and economic collapse flooding the news, political tension has reached an all time high in Carolyn Pallof's household.
The Outbreak | Getting off in the time of coronavirus

The Outbreak | Getting off in the time of coronavirus

By Genna Edwards, Staff Writer March 30, 2020
Several weeks into quarantine, Genna Edwards has turned away from Netflix and towards another modern — or, well, classical — sin.
The Outbreak | Coronavirus (sort of) ended my (sort of) relationship

The Outbreak | Coronavirus (sort of) ended my (sort of) relationship

By Delilah Bourque, Contributing Editor March 26, 2020
Unlike those trying to find love during the pandemic, my sort-of relationship met an untimely sort-of end in the wake of school closures and shelter-in-place orders. 
The Outbreak | Looking for love on “OKZoomer”

The Outbreak | Looking for love on “OKZoomer”

By Sarah Stager, Staff Writer March 26, 2020
Sarah Stager writes about putting her love life in the hands of two Yale students — and Zoom.
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