News desk says ‘so long’ to Maura Scrabis

Image courtesy of Maura Scrabis

Maura Scrabis is the news desk’s only graduating senior this year. She’ll work full-time as a marketing coordinator for Langan Engineering & Environmental Services starting in mid-May.

By Rebecca Johnson, News Editor

When Maura turned in an application for the news desk earlier this year, I was a bit surprised — typically people don’t start TPN during their senior year. But I’m so grateful she did, because she quickly became an integral part of the desk.

Maura isn’t just an excellent writer — she writes eloquently and with clarity. But what impresses me the most is how much she cares about the people in her stories and representing them in the best way possible. She’s written about the Pitt Pantry, veteran students adjusting during the COVID-19 pandemic, the two-year commemoration of the Tree of Life massacre, the Black Lives Matter movement, a professor who teaches an Einstein for Everyone class and more.

I’m also not surprised that Maura already landed a full-time job as a marketing coordinator for Langan Engineering & Environmental Services starting next month. She’s going to be successful in whatever she decides to pursue, and I can’t wait to see all she accomplishes!