Meet the editors: The Chiefs

Pamela Smith | Visual Editor

Betul Tuncer, managing editor and Rebecca Johnson, editor-in-chief.

By Rebecca Johnson and Betul Tuncer

The Pitt News is one of the largest student organizations on campus, with roughly 200 students participating. Students create all of the content for the paper, but who is in charge? It’s time to meet the chiefs.

The editor-in-chief and managing editor are the dynamic duo responsible for running the newspaper on a daily basis and setting long-term strategy. We work with a crew of 16 other editors to bring you the national-award-winning Pitt News that you know and love. We eat, sleep and breathe The Pitt News! As you read the paper this year, feel free to send us an email with your feedback and story ideas, or submit a Letter to the Editor or an Op-Ed if you want to weigh in on a particular topic of interest to you.

Rebecca Johnson, Editor-in-Chief

Hey everyone! I’m Rebecca, a senior economics and political science double major with a certificate in global studies. This is my fourth year at TPN and third on the editorial board. I’ve held a few positions at the paper, such as managing editor, news editor, layout editor and news reporter. I’m super excited to get to work uncovering and reporting on issues that affect the Pitt community, both big and small, in this turbulent time alongside the talented writers and editors at TPN.

When I’m not debating the use of the passive voice, you can catch me binge-watching trashy reality TV, getting lost on Pittsburgh city buses and spoiling my pet goat.

Betul Tuncer, Managing Editor

Hi, Pitt News readers! I’m Betul, a junior media and professional communications and legal studies double major with a certificate in digital media. I’ve worked at The Pitt News since my first year at Pitt and am really excited to take on a bigger role in publishing our student-run newspaper this year. I have a great passion for journalism and hope to one day pursue a professional career in the field. Until then, I hope to help report on issues the Pitt community faces, uplift unique perspectives as well as support our amazing student writers, editors, photographers and illustrators at TPN.

Other than working at The Pitt News and being a full-time college student, I like to spend my free time taking film photos and visiting the many art museums in Pittsburgh.