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The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Stephen Caruso / Contributing Editor

Pitt feels the Bern

By Kelechi Urama / Staff Writer September 1, 2015

Pitt student Alex Austin “Bern”’d up Oakland on Saturday. To raise support for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, Austin and other grassroots activists hit the pavement on Aug. 29 for...

Nikki Moriello / Visual Editor

Don’t fear the fine

By Rio Maropis / For The Pitt News September 1, 2015

Will Matthews pays thousands of dollars to attend Pitt, but he did not expect to owe another $1,000 to Hillman Library. Matthews, a senior psychology and communications major, checked out seven books...

Nikki Moriello / Visual Editor

PeopleSoft now portable

By Rio Maropis / For The Pitt News September 1, 2015

In a tech-savvy generation, Peoplesoft needed an upgrade. In July, Pitt released a mobile app for PeopleSoft, a previously web-only platform for students to access class information, academic progress...

More empty seats on SGB

By Dale Shoemaker / News Editor September 1, 2015

Student Government Board Allocations Chair Nick Reslink has four committee seats to fill before student groups start filing funding requests. Though SGB purposefully left two seats open in the spring...

Photo: Nikki Moriello / Visual Editor

Welcome Back hits Bigelow

By Amy Beaudine / Staff Writer August 31, 2015

Before freshman Leah Bailey ever competed for a top spot in an academic program or a place in line at Market Thanksgiving, she jumped into a giant plastic hamster ball and competed in a rolling race down...

Photo: Nikki Moriello / Visual Editor

Lighting the way: Pitt women celebrate 95th Lantern Night

In 1920, Pitt held its first Lantern Night in an Oakland home hoping to instill pride in female students and offset the savagery of college men. Now, 95 years later, walls can’t contain number of Pitt...

Photo: Nikki Moriello / Visual Editor

Email lists and League of Legends: Students hit Petersen Events Center for Activities Fair

By Chidi Nwakpuda / Staff Writer August 31, 2015

Unlike other Pitt students, sophomore Isaac Goss loves getting emails from student groups and can’t wait for them to drown his Pitt inbox. Goss and hoards of other freshman students attended the Pitt...

Photo: TNS

Walk the Moon to headline Fall Fest

By Dale Shoemaker / News Editor August 31, 2015

Pitt’s Program Council scouted its Fall Fest performer options well this year. The PPC booked Walk the Moon to headline Pitt’s annual Fall Fest a little more than a month before the indie pop band’s...

Pitt gets WiFi upgrade

By Mark Pesto / Senior Staff Writer August 31, 2015

For students who bought a new phone, tablet or laptop since last spring, Pitt’s Wi-Fi just got a lot faster. Pitt’s Computing Services and Systems Development created a supplemental wireless network...

$5 pizza goes 6 feet under

By Emily Brindley / Staff Writer August 31, 2015

When Malek Ameli-Grillon found out that Antoon’s raised the price of a large cheese pizza to $6, plus tax, he was devastated. College life, as he knew it, was ruined. “Who carries $6.42 on them? $5...

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