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The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Opinion | OCD isn’t what you think it is, and TV is to blame

Opinion | OCD isn’t what you think it is, and TV is to blame

By Juliana Morello, Staff Columnist February 26, 2023
Though I’ve struggled with OCD my whole life, I only received a formal diagnosis about a year ago. Part of the reason it took so long was that I didn’t fully understand OCD, and that’s because I never saw it represented anywhere — or, rather, I never saw it represented accurately anywhere. I thought it was just about being neat and clean and freaking out if things aren’t in their place, and although this can definitely be part of it, it’s not everything.
Opinion | Representation is not romanticization

Opinion | Representation is not romanticization

By Jameson Keebler, Staff Columnist February 9, 2023
Representing mental illness is not always romanticization and the category of dissociative feminism minimizes the themes of female stories.
Mosaic of Learning | Talking about mental illness

Mosaic of Learning | Talking about mental illness

By Khushi Rai, Staff Writer February 18, 2022
In this edition of Mosaic of Learning, Khushi Rai writes about mental illness and how COVID-19 has made discussing it more important than ever.
Opinion | 10 tiny things to help depression feel not so terrible

Opinion | 10 tiny things to help depression feel not so terrible

By Nina Santucci, Staff Columnist October 12, 2021
The idea of treating depression head on can be intimidating and overwhelming — so instead, tiny tasks and small steps of self-care can be done to make depression feel not so awful.
Opinion | Dear Black community — our mental health matters too

Opinion | Dear Black community — our mental health matters too

By Ashanti McLaurin, For The Pitt News July 14, 2021
Conversations about mental health have been more open and raw in the past couple of years, but it's still taboo in the Black community.
Opinion | Mental health and mental illness are not interchangeable terms

Opinion | Mental health and mental illness are not interchangeable terms

By Dalia Maeroff, Senior Staff Columnist April 7, 2021
Everybody has mental health, so mental health isn't stigmatized. What are stigmatized are mental illness and developmental disorders.
Pitt’s Mental Health Awareness Month officially started on Oct. 1.

Mental Health Awareness Month focuses on helping students through pandemic

By Martha Layne, Assistant News Editor October 7, 2020
Pitt’s Mental Health Awareness Month officially began on Oct. 1 and will last throughout the month of October. MHAM consists of various virtual events — such as open mic nights, webinars and art exhibits — that aim to raise awareness for mental health, change the stigmas surrounding mental illnesses and remind students of resources around campus that can help them in their mental health journey.
Opinion | We can’t neglect psychotic illnesses

Opinion | We can’t neglect psychotic illnesses

By Leah Mensch, Opinions Editor October 6, 2020
While some mental illnesses have become more acceptable to talk about, others — specifically any kind of psychotic illness — have been left behind.
(Illustration by Eli Savage | Staff Illustrator)

Stop colloquializing mental illness

By Kelly Loftus, For The Pitt News October 21, 2018
Generalizations that trivialize the constant struggle that accompanies life with a mental illness, while also perpetuating stereotypes associated with certain conditions, jeopardize mental health treatment and the progress society has made in taking these issues seriously.
(Illustration by Abby Katz | Staff Illustrator)

Student struggles illuminated at mental health vigil

By Madeline Gavatorta | Staff Writer October 23, 2017

After sustaining a concussion playing street basketball during his junior year of high school, Wyatt Macejka’s life would never be the same. The senior psychology major was diagnosed with depression...

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