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The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement released new guidelines Monday, which said if universities move classes fully online, the agency will move to deport international students.

Editorial | International student guidelines show why ICE must go

By The Pitt News Editorial Board July 7, 2020
These guidelines for international students are nothing more than a way to advance the administration’s current anti-immigrant agenda and kickstart the economy by forcing students back to work.
Opinion | Point: Universities should not bring students back to campus in the fall

Opinion | Point: Universities should not bring students back to campus in the fall

By Nate Kohler, Contributing Staff Member June 23, 2020
Exchanging the health of students and the community at large for being able to operate normally as a university is simply not worth the risk.
Opinion | We still have to fight the climate change fight

Opinion | We still have to fight the climate change fight

By Paige Lawler, Senior Staff Columnist May 26, 2020
In a matter of months, industry will likely be operational again.
At last count, Pitt’s quasi-endowment was $2.6 billion and could be used to cover potential budget cuts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Op-ed | Pitt can and should use its endowment to get us through this crisis

Not to mince words: it is wrong that the Chancellor, who received a $669,738 base salary this year, would use sympathetic students as an excuse not to protect the jobs of the faculty and staff who support those students, often for wages less than one-twentieth of his.
Opinion | We shouldn’t be afraid to “politicize” coronavirus

Opinion | We shouldn’t be afraid to “politicize” coronavirus

By Julia Kreutzer, Senior Staff Columnist May 12, 2020
We shouldn’t politicize the virus — but we should politicize our response to government inaction.
Editorial: How to prepare for virtual commencement

Editorial: How to prepare for virtual commencement

By The Pitt News Editorial Board April 9, 2020
Pop open a bottle of champagne while Gallagher is giving his speech and get drunk with your parents.

Op-ed: A student renter’s case for a rent freeze

By Jason Ficorilli, Senior at Pitt April 6, 2020
Now that the coronavirus pandemic has left so many without a job, landlords cannot simply return to business as usual.
Poetry | Quarantining

Poetry | Quarantining

By Mackenzie Oster, Staff Columnist April 2, 2020
A poem in the time of COVID-19 by columnist Mackenzie Oster.
Satire | COVID-19 bros to avoid

Satire | COVID-19 bros to avoid

By Genna Edwards, Staff Columnist April 2, 2020
If you’re searching for love during the COVID-19 pandemic (safely on apps, hopefully) here are some bros to avoid like, well, the plague. 
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