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The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

The University of Pittsburgh's Daily Student Newspaper

The Pitt News

Sola Talabi, a Pitt alumnus and founder of Pittsburgh-Technical, is researching advanced nuclear reactors in Pittsburgh. (Courtesy Photo of Sola Talabi)

Alum studies safety of nuclear energy

By David Solomon | For The Pitt News December 1, 2017

Sola Talabi always had a vision that one day he would “turn the lights on in Africa.” “Five thousand children die every day in Africa because they don't have access to power,” he said. “I...

Pitt, CMU researchers redevelop software for academic publishing

Pitt, CMU researchers redevelop software for academic publishing

By Sid Lingala | For The Pitt News October 15, 2017

Benjamin Ogrodnik said he is often frustrated when traditional publication methods he uses are unable to include films and project methodology as part of the final product. “A finished article is...

(Illustration by Abby Katz | Staff Illustrator)

A new iPhone in a post-innovative age

By Levko Karmazyn | Columnist October 4, 2017

A decade before Apple released the first iPhone, the hottest new technology included the Tamagotchi virtual pocket pet, Motorola's StarTAC — one of the first widely popular cell phones — and the trusty...

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